Toxic Metals Lead to Hardened Arteries
Razi Berry Environmental exposure to low-levels of the toxic metals arsenic, cadmium and titanium appears to increase the risk of plaque buildup in arteries in the neck, heart and legs, according [...]
Razi Berry Environmental exposure to low-levels of the toxic metals arsenic, cadmium and titanium appears to increase the risk of plaque buildup in arteries in the neck, heart and legs, according [...]
Razi Berry Sugar practically screams from the shelves of your grocery store, especially those products marketed to kids. Children are the highest consumers of added sugar, even as high-sugar [...]
Razi Berry Lucas McClain started smoking cigarettes in high school but switched to vaping after he heard e-cigarettes were a safer alternative. His vape of choice became the Juul, the king of [...]
Sarah Cimperman, ND Spring is a season of renewal. Over the winter, as our bodies have stored energy, they’ve also stored environmental toxins. Now is the time to eliminate them. True [...]
Dr. Sean X. Hesler, ND Thyroid, adrenals, anemia, stress, infections…oh my! When most health-savvy people think of fatigue, they think of these causes. While these are very common causes of [...]
Erin Westaway, ND Why so tired? I often ask my clients what would be different if they felt well. The most common answer is, “I would have more energy – I’m just so tired.” The truth is [...]