Dr. Kendra Becker, ND

So much of the focus on Fertility and MTHFR falls on the mother and her genetic contribution. However 50% of the baby’s genome comes from DAD! We evaluate and scrutinize mom’s diet and yet dad is left alone!

Recently powerful new research on MTHFR mutations and miscarriages implicates the fathers role more than we thought possible. While each parent contributes equal DNA to their offspring, it is women, mothers that come to office visits and comply with recommendations. Next time ladies! Bring your man!

A recent large scale study proved correlation that BOTH the MTHFR C677T and the A1298C contributed from BOTH parents increased risk of miscarriage. Interestingly, babies with 2 copies of the MTHFR A1298c mutation had the highest incidence of miscarriage. 2 copies of a mutation means EACH parent donated one copy! DAD’s Genes matter too!

In general it is recommended that any preconception health protocol includes BOTH parents! And the “inception” of the protocol is months before “conception”. A thorough review of lab work, medical conditions, diet, lifestyle and genetics assist in the best possible outcomes.

It is important to note when addressing conception and MTHFR that a good quality diet and proper nutrients including bio-available Folate is included. Folate is what ensures proper functioning DNA and provides the proper signaling for cell differentiation in early pregnancy, as well as protecting sex-cells in BOTH parents from DNA damage. However, Choosing Folate alone will not eliminate poor outcomes.

However we do know low folate levels are associated with higher incidence of:
• Miscarriage
• Low sperm quality
• Autism
• Allergies
• Among other conditions

Getting Started!

Begin your road to parenthood months before conceiving. Give the PALEO diet a try. Paleo is a diet chuck full of nutrients and beneficial fat and free of many common allergens and chemicals.

Normalize weight and maintain exercise to help ensure proper function of metabolism, sleep cycles and menstrual cycles (for mama only of course in this instance).

Meet with an educated provider who can run proper lab testing and make recommendations to optimize the best pregnancy outcomes. Remind providers (or find another) that Folic acid is not the optimal form of folate for properly functioning DNA especially in the presence of MTHFR mutation.

Enjoy the journey; becoming a parent is one of the most amazing experiences in a lifetime.

Kendra$20B$26WDr. Kendra Becker is one truly integrated physician practicing in for 10 years; She is Connecticut’s only “4A Specialist” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). She holds an ND degree from University of Bridgeport and MS, APRN from Sacred Heart University. She is board certified in both areas. Her specialties include MTHFR, fertility and treatment of “the 4As” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). Dr. Becker focuses on primarily treating the pediatric population and their parents as well as using her own “Pre-Conception Health Care” protocol to improve pregnancy outcomes among her patient population. Dr. Becker is a member of Both PEDANP and ANCC, as well as holding certifications for Nutrigenomics, Epigenetics and Methylation.  Dr. Becker is adjunct Faculty  Yale School of Nursing. She was recently chosen as one of Connecticut’s “Top Naturopathic Doctors”.

Dr. Becker lectures on various topics throughout the nation, including elimination diets, vaccine education, methylation and fertility. She has made regular appearances on both local and national TV programs, featured as a specialist and expert in the areas of holistic medicine. Dr. Becker writes for an international publication and Dr. Becker is published her first book this fall, ”A Delicious Way to Heal the Gut” a healthy cook book to help families jump start special diets.

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