June 2018

Natural News

World Health Organization Against Trans Fats

Node Smith, ND The World Health Organization (WHO) has set a precedent for a worldwide ban on artificial trans fats in all foods over the next 5 years. Trans fats are recognized as unhealthy fats that are artificially made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. This process creates a solid oil at a lower temperature,

Natural News

Neurophysiological Foundation for Mindful Breathing

Node Smith, ND Many claim that meditative practices concentrating on bringing awareness to the breath, such as pranayama, can increase focus, and attention. A study from Trinity College Dublin elucidates this link between the breath and attention. Breath-training through mindful meditation practices has myriad cognitive benefits Much like training other physical abilities, breath-training through mindful

Natural News

Gut Biodiversity and Atherosclerosis

Node Smith, ND A recent study has shown that microbiome diversity, or lack thereof, may influence atherosclerosis.1 The research is being conducted at the MRC and British Heart Foundation. Non-diverse gut microbiota may lead to many diseases and disorders There is a growing interest in the gut microbiome’s relationship with various diseases and disorders. Diversity,

Experts, Pediatrics

Top Naturopathic Tips to Tame Allergies in Children

Dr Catherine Clinton, ND As the days get longer and warmer, the pollen counts begin to rise across the country. Runny noses, itchy eyes, sneezing, postnasal drip and coughs are the most common allergy symptoms and, boy, can they make life miserable! With my patients and my family, I like to work on balancing the

blog, Razi Berry

Touch Your Fears

Razi Berry My practice of embodiment Part of my practice of embodiment is to bring more touch into my daily experience. I used to live so much in my head, which is where anxiety and worry live. Fear is different from anxiety in that fear protects you when processed in healthy ways. Anxiety is fear

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