
Anti-Aging, Body, Experts, King

Going Under the Needle: Anti-aging Effects of Acupuncture

Dr Sarah King, ND Looking to Achieve a Healthy Glow? Anti-aging products, procedures and techniques have become popular among women looking for a youthful appearance. Although women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s may seek more pronounced effects, even younger women may look to achieve a “healthy glow,” smaller pores, and reduced acne and puffiness.

Body, Experts, Food, Stanislaw

Sugar is Not a Treat

Dr Jody Stanislaw, ND Sneaky Sugar Sugar is hiding everywhere in today’s widely-accepted diet, but meanwhile its devastating effects are creating more deaths than automobile accidents. In this eye-opening talk, the NaturalPath and NDNR’s very own, Dr. Jody Stanislaw, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been studying the negative effects of sugar since being diagnosed with

Body, Experts, LoBisco, Respiratory Health

The Healing Scents of Fall & A New Mechanism of Essential Oil Respiratory Protection- The Lung Microbiome: Part II

Dr Sarah LoBisco, ND In part I of this blog, I discussed several ways that autumn embraces us with its aromas for health and well-being. The smells of fall are intricately connected to the volatile compounds known as essential oils. They have powerful immune supporting properties and support the body, mind, and spirit in various

Body, Cimperman, Experts

The Health Benefits of Shrubs and an Easy DIY Recipe

Dr Sarah Cimperman, ND Shrubs are a refreshing combination of sour and sweet Also known as drinking vinegars, these beverages date back centuries. They are traditionally made with vinegar, fruit, spices, and sugar. Shrubs likely started as a way to preserve summer harvest but they have medicinal benefits as well. When taken before meals, the

Body, Experts, Maurer

Your Adrenals Are Awesome, Here’s Why

Richard Maurer, ND “I’m taking a supplement for adrenal support.” “My doctor told me my adrenals are shot.” “I wrecked my adrenal gland over the past years.” When the Narrative is Wrong Too often I hear doctors spin, and individuals believe, story-lines that are frankly wrong. These cliché narratives attempt to offer a simple “reason”

Body, Experts, King

Exercise and Support for Pelvic Floor Disorders

Dr Sarah King, ND The Structure of the Pelvic Floor Serves as Support for the Pelvic Organs These muscles include the pelvic diaphragm and the levator ani complex which forms a sling around the urethra, distal vagina, and rectum. Without this structural support, women, especially, are at risk of developing pelvic floor disorders such as

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