
Body, Experts, Swanz

Transform Yourself, Transform Your Health in 2017

Peter Swanz, ND Nutrition is a crucial component of a health transformation. The classic adage “You are what you eat” continues to hold true. The nutritional quality and density of food today is more important than ever. For anyone seeking to encourage the body’s own healing capacities, an honest and thorough evaluation of food choices […]

Body, Clinton, Experts, Food

It’s That Time of Year: Time To Detox Your Family!

Dr. Catherine Clinton, ND This time of year people are looking to get healthy. There’s lots of talk about detoxes or cleanses and the talks range from utter nonsense to important steps you can take to address environmental pollutants. Industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides are major contributors to chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases

Experts, King, Pediatrics, Pets

Factors in the development of childhood allergic diseases

Dr Sarah King ND Perhaps, delaying exposure shouldn’t be so delayed Our former understanding of the outcomes from exposure to allergens early in life has more recently been questioned. Previously, we had thought that delaying exposure to certain substances would help prevent sensitivity and subsequent allergies and illnesses in childhood. However, these guidelines may not

Body, Experts, Fleming

Can A Virus Make You Fat?

Alethea Fleming, ND Not all Obesity is the Same   A body that is sedentary and fed with junk food will end up unhealthy and usually fat. It stands to reason then that simply eating a healthy diet and moving more is the secret to staying trim. For many people that is true, but for

Experts, Morgenstern

Dr. Shannon Morgenstern, ND

Dr Shannon Morgenstern is a Naturopathic Doctor, educator and guide, who helps patients to find more balance, rejuvenate from the inside out and reach a state of health and happiness. Her mission is helping patients like you to go from living a stressful life of mediocrity to living a life of calm and inspired thriving.

Body, Experts, Zorn

Increase your energy without caffeine

Dr. Kaitlyn Zorn, HBSc., ND “How can I get more energy?” This is a common question that many individuals in our day and age wonder. While many of us will resort to something caffeinated to increase our energy, there are many other ways to help support energy – whether you need a quick boost or

Body, Experts, Fleming

How the Microbiome Affects Weight Loss

Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Feed your gut microbes well, and they will help keep you trim We are all too familiar with the broken refrain that to lose weight we must eat less and exercise more. However, starvation portions and more time on the treadmill doesn’t work. This series examines several simple tweaks that help

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