Natural News

Dietary Fiber Supplements Help Reduce Obesity

CALGARY, Canada – A new study is showing that a diet with with dietary fiber supplements had better weight control results. The study looked at the impact of high dietary fiber supplements on subjects’ weight reaction while also on a high-fat and high-sugar diet and found those with high fiber supplements had a lower weight […]

Natural News

Slideshow: Top 7 ways to stay hydrated this summer

As the heat of summer increases and the dog days approach, staying hydrated becomes extremely important. Our bodies need plenty of hydration for our internal organs to function properly. But how do we do this? Here are the top seven ways to stay hydrated – naturally. Slideshow: Use the arrows to move to next slide

Body, Williams

Managing Pain and Range of Motion Disorders with Motor Point Dry Needling

Dr. Anne Williams, ND, LAc The origin of the term “Dry Needling” Dr. Janet Travell, personal physician to John F. Kennedy, made popular the idea of “trigger points” (motor points) and “trigger point therapy,” where needles are inserted into painful, “knotted” areas of muscle tissue for the purpose of relieving pain and dysfunction. Because trigger

Cali, Recipes

Creamy Tummy-Warming Vegan Curry

Dr. Michelle Cali, ND Although it feels like summer has been here for a while in Ontario, it only took one chilly and rainy weekend to bring back warming comfort foods in my life. When it comes to a vegan, veggie-loaded curry, there are too many nutrients and therapeutic properties to focus on just one!

Body, Nelson

Air Fresheners Part Two: Do we Even Want Them?

Dangers to Brain, Mind and Health Dr. Katy Nelson, ND Under normal breathing conditions, air and airborne particulates are adsorbed in lungs. Scent is different. Evaporated non-particulates like fragrance are absorbed through our nose into our brain where it is used physiologically to guide behavior and promote survival. Both the nose and the lungs have

Lee, Pediatrics

Promoting Positive Prenatal Health with Fish Oils

Dr. Tanya Lee, H.BSc, ND This month, I am continuing with the trend on my daily supplement recommendations during pregnancy – today the focus is on another popular supplement, fish oils. Fish oils consists of long-chain, polyunsaturated, omega-3 fatty acids, which are touted for their numerous health-promoting properties, such as their impact on cardiovascular health,

Abercrombie, Autoimmune

Correlating Factors and Treatment for Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Infertility

Dr. Jennifer Abercrombie, ND The Autoimmune and Infertility Relationship Autoimmunity of the thyroid gland is well known as a major influencer of infertility, particularly in those struggling with Hashimotos thyroiditis.1 Hashimotos is an automimmune condition in which the body begins to attack the thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroidism or an underproduction of thyroid hormones. Underproductive thyroid

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Heal Your Body by Talking to Yourself

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Each of us longs deeply and authentically for a way to decrease our anxiety and misery. We constantly and incessantly yearn for some way to do good for ourselves. Even my patients steeped in self-hatred and self-loathing will readily acknowledge that their greatest longing is to be free of their


A Natural First Aid Kit for Travel

Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND  The kids are out of school and the sun is calling. I think we can all agree that summer means travel, whether it’s a weekend road trip, an exotic destination you’ve been saving for, or just a day hike on your favorite trail. I think we can also agree that

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