Back to Basics
...than make complicated, lofty resolutions, why not bring everything back to basics? Movement, breath, sleep, getting outdoors, hydration and [...]
...than make complicated, lofty resolutions, why not bring everything back to basics? Movement, breath, sleep, getting outdoors, hydration and [...]
Katarina Meister and Stephanie Yakupitiyage 2020 has shed light on getting back to the foundations of health: good sleep, hydration, nutrition and [...]
...having class assignments due at 5 pm, rather than midnight or 9 am, times that Lipson says can encourage students to go to bed later and lose valuable [...] to abstain from marijuana use for the duration of the study. Reasons listed for the others’ inability to abstain included stress, sleep [...] measure system-level changes in the brain in various states of consciousness, such as anesthesia, coma, and sleep. This is the first time such a [...]
...occur because the body’s natural clock, called the circadian clock, can be disrupted by inconsistent changes in the sleep-wake schedule and [...]
...oxygen levels in the blood. Nervous system: stroke, headaches, memory problems and problems with senses of taste and smell. Mental health: anxiety, depression, [...]
...experienced two and three hardships reported more negative moods Not surprisingly, those who experienced two and three hardships reported more negative moods, worse [...]
...anxiety or even bipolar disorders, treatment is generally combined with psychotherapy. “However, pharmaceutical treatments can be accompanied by significant [...]
...of H2O. Therefore, hydration status can have a big impact on mental health, even mild dehydration. Common symptoms of not being “fluid” [...]