Less Stress, Better Eating Habits
Razi Berry Overweight low-income mothers of young kids ate fewer fast-food meals and high-fat snacks after participating in a study — not because researchers told them what not to eat,…
Razi Berry Overweight low-income mothers of young kids ate fewer fast-food meals and high-fat snacks after participating in a study — not because researchers told them what not to eat,…
…Business School, Kristin Naragon-Gainey, at the University of Western Australia, and Han Young Jung, a former UB graduate student. The findings, published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,…
…to bathe and sleep. Participants were separated into 5 age groups: children (6 to 11); adolescents (12 to 19); young adults (20 to 29); adults at midlife (31 to 59);…
…previous research and suggest that this is a worldwide problem.” Research assessed studies of children and young people aged between two and 18 The research assessed studies of children and…
…mess. Let me help clear the confusion and help find the healthy diet for your athletic children and the greater adult community. Three Mistakes when feeding young (and older) athletes….
Dr. Richard Maurer, ND @DrRichardMaurer Does pounding protein at bedtime help build muscle? In this study of 44 young, recreationally active men, aged 21-23, muscle mass and power improved with…
…ineffectual, and non-productive which REALLY falls outside the acceptable measures of manhood. A strange juxtaposition to this size issue is the phenomenal explosion of young men going to the gym,…
…idea that being hot is the highest aspiration for young women (be hot or be invisible). Increased participation in sex acts that place young teenage girls and young women into…
…love. What most fail to realize is that the month of love also strives to recognize the unhealthy misconceptions of love that too many young people encounter every day. February…
…Aromatherapy and Essential Oils (PDQ®) Health Professional Version. Last Update: December 30, 2014. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0032645/ D. Gary Young. Cultivating and Distilling Therapeutic Quality Eos in the United States. In:…