November 2016


The Importance of Carbohydrates For Training

When asked what is the essential food source a body needs to maintain active training many people will answer protein. While it is true that protein is vital for maintaining muscle, especially if you are looking to build strength, it is in fact carbohydrates that are the most important. Yet many people underestimate the importance […]

Natural News

10 Days Without Sugar can Drastically Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The University of California, San Francisco showed recently that eliminating added sugar from the diet decreased triglycerides by 33 points on average, dropped LDL (bad) cholesterol as well as diastolic blood pressure in children. All children who participated in the study were shown to have drastically lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes in just

Natural News

Cold Season Checklist

If you see a naturopath regularly, you probably have a list of items that you’ve used in the past during flu and cold season. If not, the fall is a great time of year to make an appointment to see a naturopath for some preventative, as well as first line herbal and nutritional treatments for


2016 Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway


Natural News

CCFC Announces 2016 TOADY Award Nominees for Worst Toy of the Year

CCFC Announces 2016 TOADY Award Nominees for Worst Toy of the Year Boston – November 21, 2016 – Today, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) launched its 8th annual contest for Worst Toy of the Year: the dreaded TOADY (Toys Oppressive And Destructive to Young children) Award. From the universe of 2016 toys promoting precocious sexuality, gender stereotypes,

Body, Experts, Fleming

How the Microbiome Affects Weight Loss

Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Feed your gut microbes well, and they will help keep you trim We are all too familiar with the broken refrain that to lose weight we must eat less and exercise more. However, starvation portions and more time on the treadmill doesn’t work. This series examines several simple tweaks that help

Natural News

Are Your Skincare Products Safe?

A friendly reminder that the safest thing to put on your skin is something that you would trust putting into your mouth. After all, your skin absorbs chemicals and nutrients from topical applications just like your digestive tract, which means all those nasty chemicals in sunscreen, lotion, and other beauty products end up in your

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