
herbal, Swanz

Homeopathic Indications of a Few Common Herbs

Dr. Peter Swanz, ND, FHANP Remedies are Prescribed Homeopathically I commonly share with patients that remedies themselves are not homeopathic, they are prescribed homeopathically. A remedy sitting on the shelf is a potentized (diluted and succussed) preparation of most often an animal, mineral, or plant substance. The remedy is just a remedy until it is […]

Deane, Sexual Health

How to Achieve Orgasmic Health

Dr. Taryn Deane, BScKIN, ND @DrTarynDeane Every human comes into this world as a mix of feminine and masculine energies. This is how life is created. This is how life is sustained. The Chinese have brilliantly bypassed all the brutal biases about gender by giving these energies other names: Yin and Yang. When I learned

Body, Evans

Summer Health Tips for Your Family

Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND Summer is a great time to have fun, relax, and celebrate the outdoors. Here are a few tips to keep you and your family naturally healthy during these hot and sunny months. Wear a QUALITY Sunscreen Buyer Beware–Not all sunscreens are created equal! The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently released

Detox, Kruzel

Dealing with “Allergic Toxemia” Naturally

Dr. Thomas Kruzel, ND Most everyone will experience an allergic reaction at some time in their life as hypersensitivity reactions are the body’s way of defending against foreign invaders while enhancing the immune system development. It is also the body’s way of letting us know that we need to identify and eliminate what ever it

Fertility, Lee

Important Nutrients for a Vegan Pregnancy

Dr. Tanya Lee, H.BSc, ND There are a number of people who wish to sustain their vegan lifestyle during their pregnancy and consult a naturopath on how to keep with this lifestyle without harm to the growing baby. While I always recommend and educate my patients on the benefits of consuming small amounts meat in

Cranford, Women's Health

First Do No Harm

Dr. Kathryn Cranford, ND, NHCM, CPM There is a time and place in birth where, unequivocally, technological intervention can be life-saving. That said, I arrive at the second principle. In pregnancy, often “First do No Harm” means “First Do Nothing”. The medical model is quick to intervene, while leaving things alone is often the best

Geyer, Skin Care

A Rash, is not a Rash, is not a Rash: Part 1

Dr. MaryK Geyer, ND First, let me state that I am not a dermatologist. I am a primary care doctor (PCP) with a specific interest in dermatology.   Through this passion, and learning from a few wonderful dermatologists and dermatology-focused doctors, I’ve become a Naturopathic Primary Care doctor with a focus in dermatology. The reality is,

Body, Sanders

Recovering After Spinal Fusion

Dr. Kimberly Sanders, ND @_drkimsanders What is Spinal Fusion? Spinal fusion is a surgery where two or more of a patient’s vertebrae are fused together to reduce back pain caused by problems along the spine. While spinal fusion may reduce pain and significantly improve quality of life, there are complications associated with the procedure, including

Body, Maurer, Men's Health

Pump It Up—Burgers at Bedtime?

Dr. Richard Maurer, ND @DrRichardMaurer Does pounding protein at bedtime help build muscle? In this study of 44 young, recreationally active men, aged 21-23, muscle mass and power improved with a protein drink before bedtime compared to a placebo group. Done! If you want more strength and a more muscular body drink that 27-gram protein

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