
Autoimmune, Sanders

How Autoimmune Disease Affects Your Mood

Dr. Kimberly Sanders, ND @_drkimsanders Inflammation on the Brain? A fascinating and groundbreaking article was published this month explaining that a missing link between the immune system and the brain may have been discovered.  This article explains that lymphatic vessels, which carry immune cells and inflammatory chemicals, may be found within the central nervous system […]

Nature Cure, Vingelen

The Salt Bath

Dr. Jodi Vingelen, ND @VLM_Dr_Jodi “There must be something sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the ocean.” ~Khalil Gibran Salt has been used therapeutically for many centuries across many cultures. It has been used as a remedy, a support treatment, and a preventative measure. It has been taken internally or applied

Men's Health, Rissman

Paternal Influences on a Boys Health: More Than You Know!

Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman June is National Men’s Health month and the week leading up to Father’s Day is designated as Men’s Health week. Because of the recognized need to support men in taking care of themselves, all across the country there are men’s health fairs, screenings and education/outreach opportunities. Men’s Health Network sponsors

Fertility, Girolamo

Foundations of Fertility Part 2: Blood Sugar Stabilization

Dr. Donata Girolamo, ND @DonataGirolamo Maintaining a tightly controlled insulin and blood sugar relationship is crucial for conception. This means ensuring the pancreas does not produce too much insulin in response to your meal. You may have a problem with blood sugar balance and insulin resistance if you have trouble with weight loss, have been

Cimperman, Detox

10 Ways to Detox Your Home

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Opening the windows is one of my favorite things about spring, especially after a long winter of record-breaking snowfalls and low temperatures. Reveling in sunshine and warmer temperatures and exchanging and circulating the air inside our homes is as good for our bodies as it is for our spirits. According

Body, Fleming

Feeling Dizzy? Vertigo got you down?

Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Have you ever had this happen– You wake up one morning, roll out of bed, and nearly fall on the floor because you are abruptly dizzy. It passes, but worries you. Then you notice that anytime you turn your head quickly you get a wave of dizziness. Usually that’s enough to

Fitness and Exercise, Maurer

Surprise, Exercise Slows Your Thyroid

Dr. Richard Maurer, ND @DrRichardMaurer The thyroid gland has become an unruly scapegoat in the pasture of self-help and wellness. The past decade of research has eroded the tidy line that linked hypothyroid universally to fatigue and weight gain. Why is the thyroid gland erroneously blamed when she might be doing her job, perfectly? Let’s

Body, Habib

Effects of Second-hand Smoke

Dr. Chris Habib, ND Assisted by Naturopathic Medical Graduates Emily Rotella, Maria Wong, Natalia Ytsma, and Sara Mohammed The Damage It has been reported that “more than 800 Canadians die every year due to second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure”.1 SHS, also known as passive smoking has a dangerous effect on our health. It includes the smoke that

Chinese Medicine, Williams

Understanding IBS from a Chinese Medicine Perspective

Dr. Anne Williams, ND, LAc Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition with no known cause in western medicine. This pattern has long been recognized in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and TCM explains that there are several factors which contribute to and promote this disorder. Viewing IBS in TCM terms If you were to describe

Lee, Pediatrics

Prenatal Vitamins: A Crucial Part of Your Baby’s Health

Dr. Tanya Lee, H.BSc, ND With a plethora of prenatal vitamins on the market, it’s no wonder expecting women can be overwhelmed by the vast choices they are exposed to. Not all prenatal vitamins are made equal and choosing the right one is extremely important. The right prenatal formulation can influence and optimize the growth

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