
Body, Nelson

Morton’s Neuroma

Dr. Katy Nelson, ND One day you walk into your chiropractor’s office for regular maintenance and you incidentally ask, “Doc, might you also help me with a pain on the bottom of my foot?” You turn the sole of your foot upward to show him and press the edge of your thumb into the sore […]

Bacterial Infections, Burkman

Vaginal Flora 101-Preventing and Treating Vaginal Candida with Lactobacillus species

Dr. Ashley Burkman, ND Vaginal yeast infections are annoying and uncomfortable. When vaginal yeast infections become chronic, 4 or more infections in 12 months, it can become almost unbearable and can begin to affect daily life.1 Common symptoms of vaginal Candida yeast infections include vaginal pain, discharge, itching and burning. Finding the Cause First it

Nature Cure, Vingelen

Therapeutic Cold Water Bathing

Dr. Jodi Vingelen, ND @VLM_Dr_Jodi The Goal of Loving the Application of Cold Water Most people cringe at the idea of a cool to cold-water bath whether it is a foot soak, sitz bath (that is submersion of the lower half of your body), or a full immersion bath. This goes especially true for those

Cimperman, Detox

Natural and Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Cleaning products can contain dangerous chemicals that are often unlisted. In the United States, manufacturers are not required to disclose all of a product’s ingredients on the label, which makes it very difficult to evaluate their safety. A study published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review analyzed best-selling brands of

Body, Cranford

Naturopathic Midwifery: Why it Still Matters

Dr. Kathryn Cranford, ND, NHCM, CPM I have attended all sorts of births Over the last 15 years since beginning my training in Naturopathic Midwifery during my third year at Bastyr University’s ND program, I have attended all sorts of births. Beginning as a doula in Washington state, then a naturopathic doctor and advanced midwifery

Bader, Body

Bitter Sweet: Hidden Sugars in Your Daily Life

Dr. Amy Bader, ND @AmyBaderND Okay, ladies. This is going to be short and not-so-sweet. In the last few weeks so many of my patients have come to my office reporting sugar cravings, I am starting to think it is the result a mysterious cosmic phenomenon. Solar flare? Super moon? Mercury retrograde? Not sure. I

Body, LoBisco

Common Sense Essential Oils Safety Rules 101

Dr. Sarah LoBisco, ND @DrLoBisco There are a lot of conflicting opinions on essential oil safety. Here, I review some of the main reasons for the controversy and discuss the safety of using quality and standardized essential oils. The Factors In Safety of Oils Quality counts One of the main reasons why there is so

Body, Knapp

Keeping a Clean Kitchen

How to make sure that what you put in your body, isn’t contaminated in your kitchen Dr. Angela Knapp, ND The term organic has permeated most households. Whether people strive to eat all organic, avoid the “dirty dozen” or don’t believe in organic at all, the label organic doesn’t necessarily ensure your food is healthy.

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