Cain, Depression

Taking Antidepressants? Top 3 Must-Have Nutrients

Nicole Cain, ND, MA @DrNicoleCain Antidepressant medications are often the first-line treatment for depression. While these medications are often effective and lifesaving, they also can have serious health consequences. Among these are depletion of nutrients from your brain and body, as well as depletion of the important neurotransmitters for physiological and psychological health and well-being. […]

Experts, Williams

Dr. Anne Williams, ND, LAc

Anne Williams, ND, LAc graduated from Bastyr University with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and master's degree in acupuncture. Following graduation, Dr. Williams completed a two year fellowship in naturopathic family care at Inner Source Health in New York City. Dr. Williams has experience with a wide variety of conditions. Her priority is to see
Fitness and Exercise, Maurer

Fitness in Your 40’s Marks Cancer Risk!

Dr. Richard Maurer, ND @DrRichardMaurer The fitter you are, the less heart disease risk you have—that is a well-publicized truth. But this new study solidly expands upon prior research and confirms fitness as a marker of cancer risk.1 Researchers used data collected on nearly 14,000 men and, after measuring their level of “fitness” (in just

Natural News

Low Carbohydrate Diet Impacts Diabetes

A 12-point critical review of research has shown that low-carbohydrate diets are an effective first approach for treatment of diabetes. The paper was published online January in Nutrition, and shows that low carbohydrate diets reliably reduce high blood glucose – the most salient feature of diabetes. Benefits of this type of diet do not require

Men's Health, Rissman

Male Anger: A Doorway of Opportunity

Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman In this month’s blog, I’m going to pick up on last month’s discussion of anger and aggression, because I believe it to be of primary importance as a men’s health topic. Indeed, so important that I will be teaching a 3-credit course, Anger in Men, at MSU Denver next Fall.

Anti-Aging, Body, Experts, Saunders

5 ways to fight aging & DIY anti-aging oil

Dr. Leigha Saunders, ND The quest to fight aging is a big one! The anti-aging cosmetic industry is full of promises to reduce aging and leave the skin looking and feeling youthful with products that often contain mystery ingredients at a high cost. The good news is there is no need to break the bank!

Natural News

Slideshow: The Top 8 Allergenic Foods

Food allergies are growing in the United States. Whether this is due to more awareness or an increase of food sensitivities is not concretely known. An allergy happens when the body’s natural defenses overreact to something ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Food allergies impact about 50 million Americans – about 6 percent of

Girolamo, Women's Health

Foundations of Fertility Part 1: Stress Management

Dr. Donata Girolamo, ND @DonataGirolamo Dr. Donata Girolamo, N.D. explains in this 5-part series how to build a strong foundation to improve conception rates, labour experiences, and have a healthy baby. Stress is commonly overlooked and not considered as an obstacle to natural conception. I’ve chosen to write about it as part 1 of Foundations

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