Natural News

Amazonian Diet Explains Better Vision in the Elderly

GARDEN CITY, N.Y. – A study on phytochemical-rich diets’ impact on visual abilities of Amazonian hunter-gatherers in Ecuador is suggesting phytochemicals are needed to keep sight health. The study was published in the February edition of the journal Nutrition Research. The study shows a contrast between dietary phytochemicals and eye health that demonstrated in the […]

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Meditation: What are Thoughts?

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax body and mind in a natural way. Notice your breath and allow several calm, full breaths. Begin observing your mind while, at the same time, remaining conscious of your breathing. After several minutes deliberately imagine yourself doing whatever you might be doing in another

Body, Nelson

Morton’s Neuroma

Dr. Katy Nelson, ND One day you walk into your chiropractor’s office for regular maintenance and you incidentally ask, “Doc, might you also help me with a pain on the bottom of my foot?” You turn the sole of your foot upward to show him and press the edge of your thumb into the sore

Bacterial Infections, Burkman

Vaginal Flora 101-Preventing and Treating Vaginal Candida with Lactobacillus species

Dr. Ashley Burkman, ND Vaginal yeast infections are annoying and uncomfortable. When vaginal yeast infections become chronic, 4 or more infections in 12 months, it can become almost unbearable and can begin to affect daily life.1 Common symptoms of vaginal Candida yeast infections include vaginal pain, discharge, itching and burning. Finding the Cause First it

Nature Cure, Vingelen

Therapeutic Cold Water Bathing

Dr. Jodi Vingelen, ND @VLM_Dr_Jodi The Goal of Loving the Application of Cold Water Most people cringe at the idea of a cool to cold-water bath whether it is a foot soak, sitz bath (that is submersion of the lower half of your body), or a full immersion bath. This goes especially true for those

Natural News

Vitamin D may Keep Low-grade Prostate Cancer From Becoming Aggressive

DENVER – New research suggests vitamin D supplements may improve low-grade prostate cancers by reducing inflammation. The vitamin therapy may also lessen the need for surgery or radiation treatment. These findings were presented at the 249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society in March. The new randomized, controlled clinical trial sorted 37

Cimperman, Detox

Natural and Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning

Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND @DrCimperman Cleaning products can contain dangerous chemicals that are often unlisted. In the United States, manufacturers are not required to disclose all of a product’s ingredients on the label, which makes it very difficult to evaluate their safety. A study published in the Environmental Impact Assessment Review analyzed best-selling brands of

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