Environmental Toxins, Natural News, Weiner

New Danger with Artificial Sweeteners

REHOVOT, Israel — A new study has shown that artificial sweeteners cause blood glucose abnormalities in mice and some humans. The study, published online Sept. 17 in the journal Nature, indicates aspartame, sucralose and saccharin change glucose tolerance and may be driven by the microbiome. The results can be reproduced in germ-free mice given microbes […]

Allergy, Anxiety, Bacterial Infections, Gastrointestinal Health, Skin Care, Viral Infections

9 Natural Remedies Moms Should Always Keep on Hand

SLIDESHOW: All moms know the anguish of having a sick child and feeling helpless in treating whatever is wrong. But if moms keep the following natural or homeopathic remedies on hand, they will be able to combat common childhood complaints with these nine ingredients from the pantry. Dr. Mandy Corwin, ND, of Richmond Natural Medicine in

Environmental Toxins, Natural News

A Case Against Using Antibacterial Soap

SAN FRANCISCO – Researchers have discovered that some hospital workers are exposed to hormone disruptors simply by washing their hands. Triclosan, a synthetic antibacterial agent found in soaps, cosmetics, acne creams and some brands of toothpastes, can interfere with the action of hormones and potentially cause developmental problems in fetuses and newborns, among other health concerns, according

Environmental Toxins, Natural News

7 Ways to Limit EMF Exposure

Electromagnetic Fields, or EMFs, are all around us, and sadly are being blamed for an array of health problems that include neurological issues, chronic fatigue, behavioral changes, cell mutations, fibromayalgia, and even some cancers. Avoiding EMFs may be a challenge as more homes install Wi-Fi and utility meters increase use of remote reading. But that

Depression, Natural News

Serotonin’s Link to Depression Severed

A new study on serotonin leads scientists to believe the substance may not have as great an impact on depression as previously thought – a discovery that may alter the way depression treatments will be formulated. The study by Donald Kuhn and colleagues at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center and Wayne State University

Cancer Prevention, Natural News

Can Cup of Coffee a Day Protect Your Liver?

Current findings suggest that drinking at least a cup of coffee a day may not be dangerous to one’s health, but in fact it may contribute to preventing and lowering the risk associated with liver malignancy. Those individuals who drank at the least one cup a daily had a lower risk rate than those that

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