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Natural News

Being Kind Helps Health

…the connection between prosocial behavior and well-being. Overall, they found that there was a modest link between the two. Although the effect size was small, it is still meaningful, according…

Body, Dehlinger

Nourishing Yourself and Your Community

…business spending money to operate locally, supporting other local businesses, and their employees and owners spending their income locally. Small-scale, locally owned, independent companies create healthier, more prosperous, entrepreneurial, and…

Body, Cimperman, Experts

4 Reasons to Go Grain-Free

…Grains are composed primarily of carbohydrates with small amounts of fiber, fatty acids, B vitamins, and minerals. We can get these nutrients from other plant foods—like vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts,…

Natural News

Children Fare Better From COVID-19 Infection

…Laboratory measures that were consistently abnormal in pediatric COVID-19 patients included inflammatory markers such as creatine kinase, interleukin-6 and procalcitonin. Few severe cases Thankfully, only a small number of patients…

Body, Skin Care

How Our Hormones Affect Our Skin

…and hormones, releasing waste through sweating, uplifting mood, decreasing stress, and regulating sleep. Small bouts of movement multiple times a day such as going up and down the stairs a…

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