Too Much Viagra Could Lead to Long-term Vision Issues

Razi Berry A case study from Mount Sinai was published recently that showed color vision problems resulting from cellular retinal damage from taking high doses of sildenafil citrate (Viagra).1 Viagra is a popular medication that is used to help men who suffer from erectile dysfunction get and maintain an erection. The case study demonstrates that […]
Antibiotics Kill “Good” Bacteria and May Worsen Oral Infections

Razi Berry A recent research article supports what naturopathic medicine has known for generations, that antibiotics kill helpful bacteria and cause more problems than they solve. Body’s own commensal bacterial flora is effective in maintaining immune cells and killing off certain oral infections The research study has found that the body’s own commensal bacterial flora […]
Reclassification Recommendations for Psilocybin From Schedule I to Schedule IV

Razi Berry If phase III clinical trials are successful, researchers suggest categorizing the drug as schedule IV In an evaluation of the safety and abuse research on the drug in hallucinogenic mushrooms, Johns Hopkins researchers suggest that if it clears phase III clinical trials, psilocybin should be re-categorized from a schedule I drug—one with no […]
How Does Your Gut Feel?

Dr. Meghna Thacker, ND I am not asking about your gut feeling! No, seriously, do you suffer from gas, bloating or indigestion? Or, after you eat, does the food just sit in your stomach and feel like a burden? Or maybe you pop tums after each meal to get rid of the heart burn. Sometimes, […]
Dr. Meghna Thacker, ND
Dr. Meghna Thacker, ND is a compassionate healer and has a passion to help people with thyroid disease, drawn from her personal struggles with this condition. She has created a protocol, Seven Steps to Heal your Thyroid for everyone to feel like themselves again while increasing their energy, elevating their mood and optimizing their weight. She is […]
Postpartum Depression Risk May Increase with Winter Births

Razi Berry Women in late pregnancy during darker months of the year may have a greater risk of developing postpartum depression once their babies are born. This is consistent with what is known about the relationship between exposure to natural light and depression among adults in the general population. Deepika Goyal of San José State […]
Simply Drinking Water Prevents UTIs

Razi Berry Most women may instinctively drink more water to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, this common practice has never been backed up by research, until now. Drinking enough water actually cuts the risk of developing a UTI in half Researchers from University of Miami, have demonstrated that drinking enough water actually cuts […]
How to self-love your way to long-term health

Dr. Sarah Zadek (nee King) There are many ways we can interpret, and act, on self-love. Sometimes our choices seem to help our emotional or mental state, but could work against our bodies physically; For example, indulging in comfort foods, or sweets when we’re feeling low. While other choices and actions may seem more challenging […]
Disagreeable People Have Most to Gain by Learning Compassion

Razi Berry Those individuals who are the least likely to be kind, the most disagreeable sort, could benefit the most from learning to be more compassionate, says a recent York University study.1 Over 640 mildly depressed individuals – average ages were in mid-30’s – were included in the study. One of the things the study […]
Feeding Premature Babies Breast Milk Improves Brain Development

Razi Berry A recent research study on premature babies underlines the importance of breastfeeding, even in neonatal intensive care scenarios.1 Premature babies were shown to have better brain development when fed breast milk rather than formula during their hospital stays. Helping facilitate mothers to provide breast milk in subsequent weeks after birth could improve long-term […]