
Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Your Eating Journal

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Congratulations on your desire to heal yourself. Keep in mind that you are learning to heal your illness by healing yourself. And to heal yourself requires that you understand yourself. Keeping an eating journal is one way to gain understanding about yourself. We will begin by observing primarily the quality […]

Jaklin, Neurology

You Can Change Your Brain

Dr. Teri Jaklin, BA, ND, IFMCP @WaterdownClinic Two years of blindness was the ophthalmologist’s prognosis after a severe bout of optic neuritis left me completely blind in the right eye. Determined to beat that prediction, morning and night I stared at the small window outline behind the curtain in my room first with my good

Mind, Rissman

Vulnerability: A Step on the Path to Wellness

Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman For about a month I’ve been dealing with a severe back spasm that has brought my life almost completely to a standstill. Not how I envisioned my summer. When I really dig in to look at this, it’s the vulnerability that I’m most “guarding” against. Deep within are pervasive “guy”

Mind, Stanislaw

An Often Ignored Cause of Disease

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND What is the root cause of disease? A poor diet? A sedentary lifestyle? Digestive system breakdown? Immune system weakness? Chemicals and toxins? Lack of sleep? Incorrect medication?… As a naturopath, I was trained to look deeply at these types of issues as being common root causes of disease. But in

Connecting Mind and Body, Cropley

Heal Your Body by Talking to Yourself

Dr. Charley Cropley, ND @CharleyCropley Each of us longs deeply and authentically for a way to decrease our anxiety and misery. We constantly and incessantly yearn for some way to do good for ourselves. Even my patients steeped in self-hatred and self-loathing will readily acknowledge that their greatest longing is to be free of their

Mind, Stanislaw

Why Being Vulnerable is Good for Your Health

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND @DrJodyND You are not perfect. Nor am I. But guess what? Nobody is. It doesn’t matter what letters we have after our name. We are all human. Humans make mistakes. Humans get sad. Humans get mad. Humans feel insecure. Humans doubt themselves at times. These experiences are part of being human.

Block, Connecting Mind and Body

50 Shades of Emotional Disconnect

Dr. Moshe Daniel Block, ND, HMC Real healing involves pain-awareness Real healing, unlike popping a pill to take away the pain, involves recognizing pain, feeling pain, and moving through it to get to the other side. Our culture has a most self-defeating attribute in that we’ve been raised to do anything but feel our pain

Hoffman, Yoga

This Thing Called Yoga

Dr. Jill Hoffman, ND Ask a few People who Practice Yoga what Yoga is and why They do it and You’ll get a few Different Answers Ask everyone in the U.S. who practices yoga and you’ll get LOT of different answers, probably as many answers as there are practitioners which would put the number at

Mental Health, Rissman

Graduation: Time for the Return Journey

Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman It’s graduation time around the country. Who doesn’t get just a little emotional upon hearing Elgar’s “Pomp and Circumstance”? You know the one, “Daaa, da da da, daaa daa.“ For many, this is celebration of a journey’s end- high school, college, maybe nursing school or law school. I’m a college

Body, Darley, sleep

Sleep and how it Messes With Blood Sugar

Dr. Catherine Darley, ND @naturalsleepdoctor There is strong connection between blood sugar control and sleep health. As the percentage of Americans with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes increases, this is something for each of us to be aware of, and to evaluate whether it is relevant for our own health. Sleep Deprivation As we’ve discussed

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