Michelle Norris needs no introduction, as the co-founder, owner, and CEO of Paleo f(x), the largest paleo wellness platform and event in the world. After the tragic loss of her daughter, Michelle and her husband decided to honor her daughter’s gift and realized their true purpose of helping people change their lives. Michelle has brought the power of wellness and hope for healing to people all over the globe and is here today to show you how you can achieve your health goals.

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Michelle believes that everything happens for you, not to you, and wants to help you embrace our human commonality to find love and healing. Everything from plant medicine to issues surrounding medicating children and more are on the table today as we discover what it takes to truly take good care of the Earth, each other, and ourselves.

By transmuting her grief, Michelle was able to work through her trauma and turn it into something beautiful. An inspiring story of health, energy, faith, and grace, Michelle’s story is one that you cannot miss. How do you relate to Michelle’s journey? Share what you connected to most in the comments below. 

In This Episode

  • How to release the trauma that is stored in your body to avoid chronic disease
  • The role of faith when transmuting trauma and opening yourself up to new energy
  • Learn about the seven pillars of health and how they can help you optimize your life
  • Why community and commonality are key to both group and individual healing 
  • Reasons to give yourself the grace to be human and make un-healthy decisions


“We just knew after hearing everything about how Brittani had impacted so many people’s lives before the very young age of 23, that our purpose in life was to change people’s lives and to do it with the knowledge that we had.” (5:46)

“I don’t believe things happen to me, I believe things happen for me. And even when they are really awful or horrible, I know that there is something that is going to come out of it that ends up ultimately bettering me.” (19:11)

“We need community, we need love. And I completely agree with you that love is medicine just like food is medicine. And the thing is if we can come together as humans and recognize that we have far more in common than we don’t, and start actually working from the place of commonality instead of diversity, and really appreciate the fact that we have such diversity and respect that diversity… were all humans.” (27:18)

“Even as a person who runs a health conference, I can tell you I have in many ways run down my health because of what I do for a living because I’m so passionate about what I do. And that’s the Universe, God taking care of me, saying ‘stop, you need to relax and you need to slow down for a little bit’.” (34:34)

“We always believe things are all or nothing, and they aren’t that way. Really trying to give yourself grace and others grace is really good advice. I feel like you need to give yourself permission to be human.” (37:42)

“Our greatest mandate was to love one another as God loved us. And there was never, ever, ever any words ever to my knowledge telling us that we were supposed to judge each other.” (42:41)


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