(NaturalPath) A recent study, published in the BMJ, has shown that fish oils may reduce the risk of mortality in bowel cancer patients.

Data was compiled from the Nurses’ Health Study, and the Health Professionals Follow Up Study, totaling 121,700 female and 51,529 male participants. All participants completed questionnaires in regards to medical history and lifestyle factors. Every two years, follow-ups were conducted regarding these factors. Every four years, dietary information was collected.

Results showed that participants with higher omega-3 fatty acid consumption, from oily fish, were more likely to be physically active, take supplements or vitamins, drink alcohol, and consume higher fiber and vitamin D. They were also less likely to smoke. All of these factors have previously been associated with a reduced risk of developing bowel cancer. Of the participants diagnosed with bowel cancer, Omega 3 intake was linked to a reduction of the risk of mortality. This relationship was also dose-dependent. For every increase in the consumption of 0.15 grams of marine omega-3 fatty acids, there was a 70 percent reduction in the mortality risk from bowel cancer.

Although these findings are observational, they highlight the possible benefits of omega-3 fatty acid consumption for the reduction in mortality risk, from bowel cancer.

Dr. Allison Galan is a licensed ND practicing in Calgary. She has a passion for empowering her patients to be their own catalyst for change, while supporting them in their health and wellness goals. She believes whole-heartedly in the mind-body connection, which is an integral component of her practice.

Allison graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and also holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. This strong background in sport science, has allowed her to incorporate sports medicine into her integrated naturopathic practice.

Mingyang Song, Xuehong Zhang, Jeffrey A Meyerhardt, Edward L Giovannucci, Shuji Ogino, Charles S Fuchs, Andrew T Chan. Marine ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and survival after colorectal cancer diagnosis. Gut, 2016; gutjnl-2016-311990 DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-311990


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