Cannabis and Anxiety
…of anxiety disorder. Anti-anxiolytics, SSRIs and other pharmaceuticals tend to be doled out like candy..with exit strategies or long term safety issues rarely addressed. Medications are given to children, adults…
…of anxiety disorder. Anti-anxiolytics, SSRIs and other pharmaceuticals tend to be doled out like candy..with exit strategies or long term safety issues rarely addressed. Medications are given to children, adults…
…problem for a short period of time but will not be the long-term solution for which most men are looking. Below you will find four daily habits which should be…
…to recognize stress as a response to situations such as long workdays, long study hours, and responsibilities at either home or work. Even though these are all contributing factors, we…
Dr. Kali MacIsaac HBSc, ND A very new study has shed some scientific light on what naturopathic doctors have known for a long time – skin health tells us a…
…well, don’t forget to minimize heat loss by wearing warm footwear (i.e. socks, shoes) and avoid standing on cold surfaces for long periods of time. Additionally, circulation may be improved…
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, CSCS @DrBubbs A technique to kickstart weight loss Throughout history, going long periods without eating or fasting is a therapeutic technique that has been used for…
Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman The long used lion/lamb reference is a good starting place for a discussion of what I see to be a foundational issue for men right…
…in your muscle cells is greater than the supply of oxygen. Long-term Energy: The Aerobic System You are still producing lactate in the long-term energy system (LTES), because the short-term…
…the short- or long-term plan in order to have a more functional life. Know all the options If you or a loved one is currently taking or is considering taking…
…long-term mental health, improved immune function and fewer visits to doctor’s offices3,4. Long-term benefits of expressive writing also include reduced absenteeism from work, quicker re-employment after job loss, and higher…