Is Radiation Wrecking Our Health?
...Radiation. Environmental Radiation. 2015. Available at: University of [...]
...Radiation. Environmental Radiation. 2015. Available at: University of [...]
...risk of autism spectrum disorder in children. JAMA Pediatrics. December 14, 2015. DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.3356 Thompson D. Antidepressants in Pregnancy May [...]
...NMP provides information on human health effects, national surveillance data, and additional learning resources for each chemical and chemical group being studied on [...]
...36 percent among women of childbearing age. Addressing rising syphilis incidence is critical to prevent congenital syphilis. Women [...]
...develop a head tilt, the most common visible sign, along with tongue tie and a diagnosis of MTHFR. Torticollis develops in utero or over time due to [...]
...that the wrists are below the shoulders. Gently curl the spine upwards and bring the head towards the chest as you EXHALE. Return to a neutral [...]
...a neti pot: Nasal Wash Mix a 1/4 tsp of finely ground salt (non-iodized) in 8oz of warm sterile water. Lean head to one side over the sink (because [...]
...his life and the role his masculinity played in his self-perception. A coach who is deeply immersed in men’s empowerment, Stefanos works to [...]
A study from the Netherlands has shown that young men in resistance-type training who ate protein before going to sleep increased their muscle protein [...] Study looked at 660 Greek men with an average age of 67 years The study in question looked at 660 Greek men with an average [...]