How to Achieve Orgasmic Health

Dr. Taryn Deane, BScKIN, ND @DrTarynDeane Every human comes into this world as a mix of feminine and masculine energies. This is how life is created. This is how life is sustained. The Chinese have brilliantly bypassed all the brutal biases about gender by giving these energies other names: Yin and Yang. When I learned […]

Children Who Regularly Eat Apple Less Likely to Become Obese

BATON ROUGE, La. – Many children do not consume the daily recommended servings of fruit, but those who do with apples have better overall health and are less likely to become obese, research has shown. The research was published in the May edition of the Nutrition Journal. Apples are the second most popular fruit in […]

Herb of the Day: Yellow Curly Dock

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND Yellow Dock or Curly Dock (Rumex crispus) is harvested for it’s roots or mucilaginous new leaves in its leaf sheath. I haven’t seen many of these on my walks and I’ll be sure to leave them, because harvesting a plant for its root obviously destroys it. Not that I’ve been harvesting […]

Why I Had to Take a Cold Shower

Publisher Razi Berry 2:45 am I’m ripped from my sleep by what feels like a tornado twisting through my stomach. In the blackness, I trip over something hard and blunt, stubbing my toe and barely make it to the bathroom before I wretch myself inside out. After a few of what seemed like days and […]

Summer Health Tips for Your Family

Dr. Tamara (Cullen) Evans, ND Summer is a great time to have fun, relax, and celebrate the outdoors. Here are a few tips to keep you and your family naturally healthy during these hot and sunny months. Wear a QUALITY Sunscreen Buyer Beware–Not all sunscreens are created equal! The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently released […]

Herb of the Day: Plantain

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND This plant is so common, even city-dwellers can find it. When I taught Herbal Studies at Daemen College in Buffalo, one of the homework assignments was to go out and find this and 4 other plants (Red Clover, All-Heal, Dandelion and Mallow). This is Broad leaf Plantain (Plantago major), but it’s […]

Five Simple Steps to Prevent (or Lower) High Blood Pressure

Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Nobody wants high blood pressure. As we age, our hearts aren’t what they used to be and we need to do everything we can to keep our tickers running as we get older. Here are a few tips to help prevent (or lower) high blood pressure. Breathe Most of us tend […]

Alternate Day Fasting Effective for Weight Loss

CHICAGO – A study on the impact of alternate day fasting on weight loss and eating disorder behaviors says the fasting does result in weight reduction and does not make eating disorders worse. The study was published in the June edition of Nutrition Journal. The adverse effects of the alternate day fasting were bad breath, […]

Herb of the Day: Sumac

Dr. Jennifer Williamson, ND Yesterday I discussed my fears of the Apiaceae family, Sumac has been another of my fears. Anyone who has ever ventured out into the wilderness has heard of the agony inspiring triad of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. But, I’ve been researching my finds and am confident that this […]

Disaster Menus Need to Be More Plant-based

POMONA, Calif. — Those researchers doing menu planning for disaster readiness need to consider plant-based meals that are universally acceptable and tolerated across cultures and religions, experts at say. Their paper was published in May’s edition of Nutrition Journal. Conclusions were drawn after a three-phase study was used to identify food groups that were suitable […]