Dr. Karis Tressel, ND

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Tressel-Headshot_resizedKaris Tressel, ND understands that your body is meant to experience abundant health. At the family practice she maintains in Bakersfield, CA, Dr. Tressel and her colleagues utilize natural therapies including nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, detoxification/drainage, water therapies and sensible lifestyle to address the root causes of disease, thereby assisting the body in healing itself and moving toward its wellness potential.
A graduate of the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR, Dr. Tressel is passionate about sharing the sensible, simple, effective treatments and philosophies of Nature Cure and old-time Naturopathic Medicine.

Website: SunriseNaturalMedicine.com
Facebook: facebook.com/dr.tressel
2101 17th Street, Bakersfield CA 93301

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