Decisions: Carving a Life

Dr. Steve Rissman, ND @StevenMRissman “It’s about whittling. It’s about taking something and whittling and whittling and getting it sharp and perfect. Then you’ve got something.” James Victore I always choose Feb 2nd, Groundhog’s Day, also known as Imbolc, Candlemas, and St. Brigid’s day, as my day to make decisions. For example, I had a […]
The Link Between Light Exposure and Kids’ Weight

(NaturalPath) A study published in PLOS One and conducted by the Queensland University of Technology’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation and the Centre for Children’s Health Research found a link between light exposure and kids’ weight. The researchers studied children, aged three to five years old from six Brisbane childcare centers. Over a period of […]
Natural Treatments for Childhood Diarrhea

Dr. Thomas A Kruzel, ND Diarrhea has a number of causes and is seen as an attempt by the body to eliminate some form of toxic or harmful agent. Most everyone will suffer from an acute diarrhea at one time or another, which is usually self-limiting. In infants and children however, the condition can become […]
The Brain Can Be Trained To Regulate Negative Emotions

(NaturalPath) In a study published in Neuroimage and conducted by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), they found that the brain can be trained to regulate negative emotions. This is a landmark study as, according to one researcher, “These findings are the first to demonstrate that non-emotional training that improves the ability to ignore […]
Handling the Stress of an Autoimmune Diagnosis

Dr. Kimberly Sanders, ND @_drkimsanders The Stress of a Medical Diagnosis One of the most stressful events that can occur in someone’s life is a shocking medical diagnosis. A person may feel as though he was “normal” a week ago, though displaying some unfavorable symptoms, but now carries a label. Patients diagnosed with an autoimmune disease […]
Why Do We Feel Sick When Infected?

(NaturalPath) A study published in PLOS Biology looked into why everyone acts the way they do when they are sick. Symptoms of sickness behavior (SB) include anorexia, hypersomnia, depression, and reduced social interactions. When you are sick there are physiological signs like fever and anemia, but there are also psychological ones like fatigue, depression, irritability, discomfort, pain, […]
Optimizing the Thyroid Before and During Pregnancy: Two Important Minerals to Consider

Dr. Tanya Lee, H.BSc, ND Thyroid health is an extremely important area to monitor for both fertility and pregnancy. It is commonly known in the medical community that thyroid function can be thrown off balance during pregnancy, and it is estimated that 2-4% of women during pregnancy has thyroid dysfunction.1 Thyroid conditions are the second […]
Let’s Teach Doctors How to Cook!

(NaturalPath) A story that ran on NPR detailed the movement at Tulane University of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana of teaching doctors how to cook. The story cites a recent poll saying that less than one-quarter of doctors feel they have sufficient training to be able to give their patients nutritional advice. While the medical students […]
Top 3 Natural Medicine Solutions for Hot Flashes

Dr. Michelle Cameron, ND Vasomotor instability (hot flashes and night sweats) is the most commonly reported complaint made by women in the perimenopausal and menopausal period. It is estimated that approximately three-quarters of all women will be affected by hot flashes or night sweats at some point during menopause with negative implications to quality of […]
Dr. Ashley Russell, ND

Dr. Ashley L. Russell graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona where she received training as a primary care physician. She received her B.S. in Applied Ecology from the University of California, Irvine. She is a naturopathic doctor at Serenity Natural Health Center in Frederick, Maryland, with a focus on young women’s […]