_TLB3420Dr. Ashley L. Russell graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona where she received training as a primary care physician. She received her B.S. in Applied Ecology from the University of California, Irvine. She is a naturopathic doctor at Serenity Natural Health Center in Frederick, Maryland, with a focus on young women’s health and is also co-founder of LovempoweR, an organization dedicated to changing women’s health care. Dr. Russell is passionate about helping women reclaim their menstrual cycle by alleviating all kinds of menstrual issues including PCOS, infertility, endometriosis, PMS, and painful or irregular periods. In her spare time, Dr. Russell enjoys baking vegan, gluten-free treats, hiking, and spending time with her dog, Honey.

Website: serenitynhc.com
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  • Frances Higgins

    Dr. Russell,

    We are interested in speaking to you about marketing your practice in Natural Nutmeg Magazine and writing an article about LovempoweR! or any topic of your choice.

    Please call me if you are interested. Frances Higgins, Marketing Director, Natural Nutmeg Magazine 203-231-7995

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