February 2017

Experts, Mind, Stanislaw

7 Tips on How to Achieve Your Goals

Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND This new year is already racing by and spring is just around the corner Did you make any health goals for this year? If so, how are they going? The unfortunate news is that less than 10% of people accomplish their new year’s resolutions. Most fall off the wagon by February. […]

Natural News

Don’t Drive After Head Injury

Stay Off the Road and Away from the Wheel Following a Concussion A new study on concussions states that it is not safe to drive up to 48 hours post-concussion – even if symptom-free.(1) A lot of studies have been conducted on concussions, primarily using athletes. Contact sports, such as football, ice hockey, rugby, and

Natural News

Tracking Cancer Through Blood Biopsy

An NPR segment recently addressed the bright future of blood biopsies for tracking cancer and determining treatment, without the use of surgical tissue biopsy. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard is one of the world’s leading centers of genomic research, and they have been working on a project to better understand metastatic breast cancer using

Body, Experts, Mak

Gout: What’s it all About?!

Dr. Olisa Mak, ND Gout is an extremely common yet complex condition that leaves people experiencing intense, debilitating joint pain It affects 3.9% of adults in the United States, that’s 8.3 million individuals; an increase from 2.7% of adults.1The onset for men is usually after 30 years of age, and in women, post-menopausal.1 Gout develops

Connecting Mind and Body, Food

The Mind-Body Digestion Connection

Dr. Jennea Wood, ND How We Eat and Why it Matters I spent a recent weekend at a retreat where naturopathic doctors assembled to discuss the philosophy of the medicine we practice. While at this retreat, I noticed a pattern that I have observed many times before. I slept in a cabin with no Internet connection

Connecting Mind and Body, Yoga

Yoga for a Healthy Heart

Elena Jutai, ND February is American Heart Month As a nation, America’s leading cause of death for both men and women is heart disease. Heart disease causes heart attacks, strokes, and kills more people than all forms of cancer combined. 1 As a nation, we really need to take this matter to heart. Heart disease

Experts, Fertility, Lee

Fertility Benefits of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

Dr. Tanya Lee, ND Getting the knack of NAC N-Acetyl cysteine, often referred to as NAC, is an inexpensive, potent antioxidant with promising properties for improving and enhancing fertility in both men and women. The antioxidant and detoxifying effect of NAC is demonstrated by the fact that it still remains the treatment of choice for paracetamol/acetaminophen (Tylenol)

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