Heartburn Pills Aren’t Risk-Free

Proton Pump Inhibitors Inhibit Necessary Acid Dr. Alethea Fleming, ND Acid-blocking drugs called proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the most commonly prescribed medications in this country (esomeprazole, or Nexium, is consistently in the top 5 every year) and are used to treat gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or serious heartburn. They can be purchased over the […]
Psychotherapy Helps Rewire Brain Changes Linked to Social Anxiety Disorder

Some estimates propose that as many as 10% of the population struggle or suffer from social anxiety Social anxiety may manifest as increased sweating, heart palpitations, nervousness, and generalized discomfort from being in a social situation. Needless to say, these individuals tend to avoid crowds, and sometimes even intimate gatherings can be trying. This is […]
More to Taking Minerals Than You Think You Know

Minerals are incredibly important to have in our diet However, because of soil depletion, gastrointestinal dysfunction leading to poor absorption, and lack of proper dietary nutrition, it is often reasonable to consider supplementing. But there is a lot more to consider before just rushing out to your local health food store and a la carte […]
Developing Emotional Resilience (Series: Part III of VII)

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND Daily Exercises for a Positive Mind The following exercises are things you can do daily to develop a positive mindset and better emotional resilience. Use them regularly, especially when you are going through difficult times, and watch out for change! What Went Well the Previous Day Research shows that remembering and […]
Looking in the Mirror Before Looking in the Medicine Cabinet

Node Smith I was recently asked about hormonal balancing from a menopausal woman. She specifically asked: “what things are there to help balance my hormones?” This is a common question that naturopaths and holistic practitioners get, and the underlying assumption is very non-holistic. Let me reframe this question here: “I know that my body is […]
Wearable Sensors: The Future of Patient Centered Diagnosis and Screening

Wearable Devices To Detect Oncoming Illness We may soon find ourselves using wearable devices to indicate when an illness is on the horizon. A new Stanford study looked at the effectivity of wearable biosensor devices to indicate certain markers of illness. Technology is an integrated part of most people’s lives in today’s world. We use […]
Depression: Is It a Spiritual Crisis?

Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND There is a difference between Spirituality and Religion “Remember you are going to be with you the longest. It is vital you get the relationship right with yourself first before seeking love from another” ~ Dr. Chris I think it is important to start this article off with a disclaimer. There […]
Retrain Your Brain to Get Rid of Tinnitus

FDA-approved Treatment for Tinnitus A new FDA-approved method for treating tinnitus capitalizes on neuroplasticity and reconditioning. Tinnitus, or “ringing in the ears,” affects approximately 50 million Americans. It is especially common in people who have been exposed to loud noises for extended periods of time: musicians, factory workers, and military veterans. In fact, tinnitus is […]
Eating Healthy on the Road

Dr. Shannon Morgenstern, ND Eating Healthy on the Road Doesn’t Have to be Impossible Whether you regularly travel for work, or you’re heading out of town for a conference or business meeting, there are definitely options to keep your diet in check. It is, however, a little tricky, but with some planning ahead of time, […]
Cold Weather Training

Cold water and cold weather have been hallmarks of traditional vitalist practices for hundreds of years Exposing the body to cold environments actually helps us regulate internal temperature, increase circulation, enhance oxygen utilization, and increase metabolism (which means burning more fat). It’s a process often referred to as “hardening.” How fitting, because after spending 30 […]