Tarragon polyphenols with soy protein together may act as antidiabetic

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A study on Artemisia dracunculus L (tarragon) polyphenols has shown that when used with soy protein results in antidiabetic.
The study was published in the July-August 2014 edition of Nutrition.

Artemisia dracunculus is found throughout Europe and not only is used as a culinary herb, but has also been recognized as an anti-fungal. There are numerous studies on its impact on diabetes in animals.

This study looking at extract of the plant used in conjunction with soy protein scientifically validates a food-based intervention and may offer a practical means of addressing metabolic syndrome in humans.

The study used an ethanol extract of tarragon containing bioactive polyphenols and improved insulin resistance in vitro and in vivo. The plant polyphenols were concentrated and stabilized with protein-rich matrices such as soy protein – which acts as an effective food-based delivery vehicle.

The aim of the study was to assess the bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and efficacy of polyphenols extracted from tarragon.
The researchers concluded that when used with with soy protein, extract of Artemisia dracunculus L. makes its antidiabetic polyphenols more bioavailable and bioaccessible.


Author: Editor

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