There is no denying that the advancement of social media has allowed us to connect in ways we never thought possible before. However, it is also undeniable that these developments have had an emotional impact on the way we view ourselves, others, and the world around us. Social media has drastically impacted how we relate to other humans on a daily basis, and how we communicate with ourselves and those we are in relationships with.

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On this episode, I break down just what exactly about social media makes us feel good and bad about ourselves, the benefits and repercussions of becoming heavily reliant on social media, and the reality of building up an emotional social media tolerance. Plus, I dive into the role mirror neurons are playing in your ability to empathize, the link social media use has to anxiety and depression, and what you can be doing to make your social media feed a more positive place.

Don’t be left feeling unfulfilled by social media and with less-than-satisfying in-person relationships. Prioritize what reinforces your beliefs and makes you feel connected in order to get the same level of joy and excitement out of everything you do. Do you put any restrictions on yourself or your family and social media use? Let us know your family strategy in the comments section.


In This Episode

  • Exploring the phenomenon of positive and negative social contagion
  • The critical role dopamine, cortisol, and oxytocin play in social media thrills
  • Factors that dictate the amount of envy you experience when using social media
  • How to create a more positive relationship with your social media feed
  • Framing the context of social media to how it is relevant to your life experiences



“The consensus is that we are spending too much time engaging with each other through platforms like social media, and less time engaging in person in real meaningful ways.” (1:15)

“By connecting us to others and providing emotional stimulation, social media can allow us to take in pieces of all the pleasure that is portrayed using that medium.” (8:11)

“Scrolling through your social media feeds at night might mean sacrificing time that would otherwise be spent developing quality relationships.” (10:48)

“The emotional influence of social media is bi-directional. It causes both joy and pain, and is complicated by both internal and external factors.” (14:50)

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