Plant-Based Doesn’t Have to Mean No Meat or Dairy for Hypertension Benefits
...than tobacco use, high alcohol intake, drug use and unsafe sex put together. An increased consumption of whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds, [...]
...than tobacco use, high alcohol intake, drug use and unsafe sex put together. An increased consumption of whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds, [...] influence prognosis such as body mass index, age, sex, smoking, education level, and blood pressure. People who were inactive in both 1984-1986 [...]
...couldn’t wrap my head around it. Yet he reports feeling better than he has in his 70+ years – great energy, reduced pain, strong sex [...] frequent sex to avoid negative thoughts, because feeling sexually desirable temporarily suspended those negative thoughts about [...]
...of metabolic syndrome involves high waist circumference (with ethnic and sex-specific cutoffs) plus two of the following four components: high blood [...]
...fried foods, and drugs. It also stores blood and glucose for when we need extra, creates bile, processes hormones, burns fat, and regulates sex [...]
Node Smith, ND A recent study was published in the online publication of Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal, that [...]
...consuming nuts once every two weeks. The connection was robust even after adjusting for factors that could influence the relationship such as age, [...] have beta-amyloid plaques than those who didn’t. When age, sex, education and body-mass index were adjusted for the risk still remained [...]
...include down-regulation of sex hormones (women often lose their periods temporarily) and an increase in cortisol secretion. 5) Get strong(er)! [...]