Recently, glyphosate, which has been deemed a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization, has been found in breakfast foods, including ones labeled as “non-GMO.” According to FoodNavigator USA, on April 29th a lawsuit has been filed against Quaker Oats. Trace levels of glyphosate were found in Quaker Oats, even though they were called “100% Natural” by the company. The law suit stated, “When a product purports to be ‘100% Natural,’ consumers not only are willing to pay more for the product, they expect it to be pesticide-free.”
Kim Richman, an attorney representing the plantiffs commented, “This is not a case about money. This is a case about a trusted American brand luring customers with representations of a ‘100% Natural’ that actually contains a dangerous biocide.”
This comes on the eve of a huge grassroots push to end the use of glyphosate. On Wednesday May, 4th consumer advocate groups Care2, Moms Across America, Friends of the Earth, Beyond Pesticides, CREDO, SumOfUs and Organic Consumers Association, will be holding a press conference outside the White House as they deliver a petition with over 400,000 signatures to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) demanding the EPA to revoke the license for glyphosate.
We will continue to update you on this story as it develops.