Rob StreisfeldDr Rob Streisfeld is a passionate consumer advocate and educator with over 12 years of Natural Health & Natural Products Industry experience. A Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Certified Natural Food Chef, “Doc Rob” as widely known, provides an informed and innovative perspective to support healthy choices for individuals, groups, and more.  He is also an industry consultant helping with marketing, PR, and other business development needs.

Over the past decade, Doc Rob has helped to identify and expand key health categories such as probiotics, enzymes, whey protein, fermented foods, whole food supplements, and more. His recent passion is rooted in cannabis, cannabinoids, and the benefits they offer.

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  • joyce

    Hi Rob Streisfeld,
    In the recent interview you did for the Holistic Cannibis Network, you said that one cannot get high from eating raw cannabis. You are wrong. I’ve been doing it successfully ever since I watched John Kohler’s You Tube video showing how he unexpectedly got high while filming himself making a raw cannabis smoothie.

    You mentioned that you are interested in adding cannabis smoothies to a project you are thinking about doing. Like John Kohler, not everyone wants (or needs) to get high. John has extremely successful You Tube channels, so a lot of people, like myself, are replicating his recipe with great success. In the comments under the video, I read one guy’s successful change in the recipe (peanut butter, 3 grams of bud, and a bowl of ice cream)

    Just thought you and many other people who have taken on the cannabis educator role would want to know about this. Here’s the link to the video John Kohler edited to include footage after John gets stoned off his smoothie and even footage of his stoner friend Josh (founder of “Boogey Brew”) getting stoned in a replication test cannabis smoothie. They both got high. If you make the time to watch it, you will see that Josh has a great time with this discovery, and John enjoys Josh being stoned, but has no desire to get high himself. Hopefully the word will spread and unwanted highs will be avoided:
    joyce jay
    Berthoud, Colorado
    p.s. I hope you comment back to me on this…

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